City of Roses


(We begin with the ritual disclaimer: I am no good at self-promotion. This is how we apologize, for taking up your time: to do something often is to become good, or at least adept at it; that we are no good at it must therefore mean we do not do it often; that we do not do it often means please, understand, we are making what is for us an effort; that we are making, for you, this effort, might just predispose you toward us? Perhaps? —I am no good at self-promotion, QED.)

In just three weeks’ time, the next season of stories will begin, as no. 23, “ – the thin ice – ”, premières. I’ll be celebrating with not one, but two public readings:

Thursday, June 18th, 7 PM at the Spritely Bean;

5829 SE Powell Blvd.

Wednesday, June 24th, 7 PM at Reading Frenzy.

3628 N. Mississippi Ave

And while the format will be much the same—a reading, a bit of signing, old books and new zines available, and badges handed out freely—the content will be different: some old, some new, a bit perhaps not entirely finished, but no repeats, guaranteed. Come to both. You know you want to.

Meanwhile, I’m editing no. 25, and writing no. 26. Patrons have had a chance to see the full set of chapter titles for In the Reign of Good Queen Dick; they’ve also gotten to see the covers of nos. 25, 26, and just now, 27. —Which reminds me. I need to figure out what 28 should be.

While I’m about all that, do forgive me this spot of self-promotion, if you might. I’m no good at it, you see. No good at all.

Posted 3575 days ago.

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