City of Roses
A serialized phantastick on the ten thousand things & the one true only.

also available at the following fine establishments:

Powell’s City of BooksBookshop.orgSmashwordsitch.ioPayhipIPRCMultnomah County LibraryOverDrive

or just about anywhere else book-shaped objects might be found



Show your true colors for all to see with the badge of the house or faction or neighborhood of your choice. One-inch buttons, hand assembled, with artwork by the inestimable Jenn Manley Lee. $1.00 each plus shipping and handling.


the Hive (for the Queen, and Northwest Portland):
“Do you know what it takes to wear these colors?”


the Hound (for Count Pinabel, and Southwest Portland):
“Grandfather Count is honored as ever to join you, and he offers his every felicitation.”


the Hawk (for Duke Barganax, and Southeast Portland):
“The world keeps getting better, every day and in every way.”


the Hare (for the Order of American Mechanicals United, Local 235, and North Portland):
“So a Duke will never feel the pinch the way we do. That’s no excuse to prove them right.”


the Hollow (for the loathly lady, and Northeast Portland):
“She enters the houses of the people and hurts the women and brings trouble upon the children. She brings changelings, and she has nineteen names.”


the Hind (the Bride, for the King Come Back):
“Maybe that’s what has to happen. Every single, every time.”

the Disingenuous Set

Hare; Hound; Hind; Hawk; Hive; Hollow.

Or! Purchase the pack of six for the price of five, and move from neighborhood to faction to house with what impunity you dare. $5.00 the set plus shipping and handling.

Table of Contents

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