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No. 1: Prolegomenon
No. 2: Fidessa
No. 3: Zoobombing
No. 4: a-Hunting
No. 5: Freeway
No. 6: Anvil
No. 7: Gin-soaked
No. 8: Beauty
No. 9: Giust
No. 10: Surveilling
No. 11: Rounds
Vol. 1: “Wake up…”
No. 12: Innocency
No. 13: Changel
No. 14: Mayhem
No. 15: Frail
No. 16: Plenty
No. 17: Deliverance
No. 18: Dazzle
No. 19: Moon
No. 20: Sun
No. 21: Gallowglas
No. 22: Maiestie
Vol. 2: The Dazzle of Day
No. 23: “–the thin ice–”
No. 24: “–vilissima et infima–”
no. 25: “–two sweetest passions–”
no. 26: “–only borders lie–”
No. 27: “–tends to crumble–”
No. 28: “–Hands of an Angry–”
No. 29: “–shiver & headache–”
No. 30: “–on pretending that–”
No. 31: “–marble sends regards–”
No. 32: “–only to sit–”
No. 33: “–carnival was ringing–”
Vol. 3: In the Reign of Good Queen Dick
No. 34: “–up and stand.”
No. 35: “–many Christian eyes–”
No. 36: “–so powerfully strong–”
No. 37: “–and ‘thirsty wilds’–”
No. 38: “–Ekumen ain’t everything–”
No. 39: “–Beautiful, we are–”
No. 40: “–dirty white noise–”
No. 41: “–arms- legs- heaven–”
No. 42: “–sun, dust, shadow–”
No. 43: “–the Five Points–”
No. 44: “That was the river–”
Vol. 4: —or Betty Martin
“It is fast, funny, sexy, and sometimes violent—”