City of Roses
A serialized phantastick on the ten thousand things & the one true only.

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No. 4: a-Hunting

No. 4: a-Hunting

Jo attends a hunt. “Up the airy mountain; down the rushy glen.” 36 pages with color cover. $3.00 plus shipping and handling.

Or, read online for free.

Five hundred bucks the Thing in the Shadows a Half-dozen T-shirts, most of them black Formal dress Some qualities of Vengeance Every felicitation the Lights above Leaning green Glad Wide Jars What happened, What didn’t “Puertas a mi izquierda” We Revellers the Duke’s ecstatic Her choice Down by the Ice Rink a Side-bet a Roomful of Gentry Her honor the Very Air They march the Conquering Hero

Table of Contents