City of Roses

’Zines to the left of me, ’zines to the right.

A brief update, as I toil away on no. 26; I’ll be at the Portland Zine Symposium this weekend, with books and badges and chapbooks and a six-year-old who’ll have some prints, if you like.

Portland Zine Symposium.

Fifteenth annual, huh? —Dang, I’ve been going to these for a while.

And also, here’s what it looks like when I’m assembling Patreon packages:

Patreon prep.

There’s still some work to do to live up to the most recently met goal—getting the site mobile-ready—but there’s also all this writing I need to do? —Anyway. Events as warranted by further bulletins. —Oh! And no. 24’s coming up. How’s July 27th for you? Good?

Posted 3532 days ago.

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