City of Roses

The rain, the former rain, and the latter, later rain.

Feb. no. 12: Innocency; Apr. no. 13: Changel; Jun. no. 14: Mayhem; Aug. no. 15: Frail; Oct. no. 16: Plenty; Dec. no. 17 Deliverance.

No. 16: Plenty

It is with a rather neutral sense not of dismay nor anywhere near contentment much less joy but mostly a sort of “meh” that I announce that no. 16, “Plenty,” will not begin its online run as previously boasted on October 17th. It will instead be dealyed a week, to premiere Monday, October 24th. —Of course, no. 15 was delayed by a week, and anyway the break between nos. 15 and 16 was another of the really short ones (like between 12 and 13), so it’s not like I’m breaking a promise per se. It’s being kept. After its fashion.

While you’re waiting: I’ll take a moment once again to remind you of “Wake up…”. If you’ve read the first 11 chapters, you know what’s what; take a moment to let others know what you thought and what they’re missing by not following your lead, if you’re so inclined. (The requisite round-up: Amazon, CreateSpace, B&N, Smashwords, Lulu, LibraryThing, Goodreads, Shelfari.)

And then I’ve got to figure out what the cover for “Deliverance” ought to be. —Fifteen down, seven to go…

Posted 4908 days ago.

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