Whenever I’m out by that side of the airport, I like to stop by Michaels and pick up a silk rose or two. I mean they aren’t really silk.
So as feared we only hit fifty percent of our announced targets in 2010: only three chapters completed, rather than the proposed six. —However, as only two chapters had been completed in 2009, this represents a fifty percent year-over-year increase in output (and 2009 itself represented a one-hundred percent increase). On the whole, we feel confident in once again proposing a target for 2011 of six chapters written and released, moving us considerably closer to our projected end-game.
To that end we should like to break with tradition and just this once point to the wall before shouldering our bat and taking up our stance to knock the leather clean off that mother. Herewith, then:
With the proviso that a plan is that which does not survive contact with the enemy; that this offer is not valid with any other discounts or special offers and is void where prohibited; that all rights are reserved, including but not limited to that of changing our ever-lovin’ et cetera—but real editors ship, dammit, and that I am not an editor nor do I even work with one matters not a whit.
In addition to the above I hope perhaps to announce some additional formats such as ebooks and audiobooks and suchlike, but: story comes first; the rest, as they say, is marketing, and alternate distribution channels.
Posted 5169 days ago.