City of Roses

Radio silence.

It’s been quiet since the end of no. 7. It usually gets quiet here, after a chapter (or a fit, or an episode, or—), but not this quiet.

I’ve been meaning to write something here, honest. I just—I start to think about what I’d say, and I get distracted and write some more on no. 8 instead. Which is good for the story, but not so much for the audience, maybe. (The audience cries from the peanut gallery: we just want the story!) —Is it enough, just to put out the chapters to sink or swim? Is it enough just to show up every now and then and read what’s here? Not that I’d ask anything more of anyone. And the last thing I’d want is to open my mouth and get in the way of whatever it is you think is the story.

Hey, any fanservice requests out there?

—Honestly, some days I think I just won’t be happy till ship-to-ship combat breaks out over City of Roses characters.

Posted 5638 days ago.

Table of Contents

Cainn    9 October 2009    #

as long as the chapters are worth waiting for, i will wait. just try not to make it a vary long wait.

Kip Manley    9 October 2009    #

I could ask for nothing more. —I’m 10,000 words into no. 8; they range between 13,000 and 15,000 words; that’s as close as I’ll get to pegging a deadline on this one.

Cainn    10 October 2009    #

to me it looks like your trying to say you got a month or three wait on are hands am i about right

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