City of Roses


“Beauty” is done I’m afraid, and so we’re once more lying fallow as I write the next little bit. —Perhaps these sneak peeks at the months ahead will help to tide you over?

No. 9: Giust

No. 9: Giust

No. 10: Surveilling

No. 10: Surveilling

No. 11: Rounds

No. 11: Rounds

No. 12: Innocency

No. 12: Innocency

—Perhaps not. Ah, well.

Posted 5598 days ago.

Table of Contents

Lori    17 November 2009    #

Lovely lovely.

Kip Manley    17 November 2009    #

Thanks, Lori! I’m particularly pleased with no. 10, which was a totally serendipitous shot—I was delivering copies to Reading Frenzy, looked up, and said oh wait there’s the building I’ve been looking for—!

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