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The ten thousand things and the one true only.

by Kip Manley

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Two bananas and a New York Times.

Forty’s coming slowly, sadly. —I suppose I was due for a bit of a break after last year’s epic run? But not too much, no, no. The next three novelettes have to go off like clockwork, plotwise, at least: maybe that’s why the words have suddenly gone chary.

So here, have a cover reveal; the image that will eventually grace this dilatory no. 40, “ – dirty white noise – ”.

In other news, I’ve started reruns: posting the early stuff on the sorts of webserial portals where the kids hang out these days, Royal Road and Reddit and Scribblehub, to start. Think of it like cheap paperback editions on spinner racks in drugstores, and I do not mean for any of that to be taken as the slightest bit derogatory. There’s honor in the stooping. —One can’t help but feel the slightest bit out of place, though: I’d been discombobulated enough by urban fantasy’s slip into paranormal romance; now the shelves are littered with things like isekai and litRPGs and ratfic and “hard magic” systems, and I’m just dizzy. Still. One has to put oneself out there.

A final bit of teasing: there may well be some new edition news forthcoming. I’ve been running some numbers. We’ll see.

But that’s all about handling what’s already been written! I need to get back to what comes next. Happy spring once more, y’all.

—posted 776 days ago

Table of Contents

(Originally posted on the Patreon.)

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