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The ten thousand things and the one true only.

by Kip Manley

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The contractual obligation post.

Dylan Meconis, you see, is a member of the Yankee cartooning supergroup Periscope, and aside from being a good friend of the Spouse (and, yes, myself) she’s also our tenant, which is among other reasons why despite the fact that this is by no means a comic book, I’ll be sitting behind a table at Emerald City this weekend. Would you like a teaser of the (mumblety-mumble) sixth issue? Find the Periscope Studios tables, and look for the one with the roses and such.

—Fun fact: one of the working titles was Emerald City, before the Spouse reminded me of certain facts. (It’s unfair, I know. Portland has far more greenspace. Hell, Phoenix has more urban greenspace than Seattle…)

—posted 5840 days ago

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