City of Roses

In which my need to work on the whole marketing thing is discussed.

The thing of it is, if I say anything and then for one reason or another (I’m on my, what, fourth 70+ hour work-week in a row? fifth? I’ve lost count) I can’t follow through, then, well, I’ll feel like a heel and you’ll be disappointed and I’ll feel even more like a heel. But if I do follow through and I haven’t said anything and you hear about it a week or two later, you’ll be kicking yourself or me if you can reach.

Deep breath.

I’m (holds up thumb and forefinger pinched together but not quite touching) this close to finishing no. 6.

The hope is this: it’ll debut on paper this coming weekend, at the Portland Zine Symposium, where I’m tabling for the third year in a row. Thereafter it’ll be available for purchase from the next window down, and also at some if not all of the fine establishments listed therein. Come September 1st, it’ll run here in the usual Monday-Wednesday-Friday bi-weekly schedule, ending on September 12th. (“Usual,” he says.)

And then I’ll start making excuses for no. 7, “Gin-soaked.”

So! Come to the Zine Symposium! —If I do manage somehow not to follow through, it’ll be that much easier for you to kick me directly. Wait: you were going to kick me if I did follow through but didn’t say anything and you missed out. But I said something, so kicking’s right out. Maybe we’ll just say hi. I’ll have little photo prints of the cover images. I might could also make some stickers. Would you like some stickers?

Also, while I’m at it: Facebook. Facebook is not a marketing plan, I realize. But it’s something.

Posted 6055 days ago.

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