Saturday morning, much too early, I wrote the last few words of the chapter, then printed the whole thing out and spent the first hour or so of the Zine Symposium stapling and folding copies of no. 20. So it’s done; it’s fixed, bar a comma or two, or a misspelling corrected when nobody’s looking. A tin-eared turn of phrase re-tuned, perhaps, the slightest shift in mood, in tense—I really need to stop fussing. The important point: “Sun” will see its online première here on Monday, Sept. 2nd, and run M–W–F through Friday, Sept. 13th. I trust I’ll see you then?
And until then, I’ll be cranking away, turning the 17,000 words I wrote in the month of July into what must pass for no. 21, “Gallowglas,” and then go about finishing up the finale. —The plan, again: to release the whole mess as book and ebook, in or about November, and then to run the last two chapters here in December or so. —The actual dates for said events to have been fixed, I hope, by the time no. 20 runs here. I’ll need to add a marketer’s hat to the haberdashery on my head.
Until then, then, I’ll be revising, and you’ll be waiting: a nothing time, an empty time, a three-in-the-morning moment stretched out over the course of a few weeks. —Here, have a picture of what it looks like when all twenty chapbooks are laid out on a table:
If you click through, you can see some snaps of a four-year-old, running up and down an aisle with a fake rose.
Posted 4195 days ago.