City of Roses

Under new management.

Oh no, not me, not this. But the Queen’s house, her former house, I should say, of the former Queen, I suppose, if you look at it in the right light; the house that once upon a time looked rather like this—

No. 1: Prolegomenon

—on the cover of this, that was lost in “Deliverance” and last seen thicketed with scaffolding in “ – on pretending that – ”, well, now it looks like this:

The Queen’s house, now.

I suppose Welund and Rhythidd, the Guisarme and the Glaive, were able to find new buyers after all.

(As a bonus: Google’s streetview shows us what it looked like somewhen in between…)

The Queen’s house, somewhen in between.

Posted 2039 days ago.

Via Patreon, and Pixelfed.

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