I never saw the Moonday T-Hows. I have seen the T-Horse, though not in a good long while. And I’ve been to Share-It Square and I can walk down to Sunnyside, though it’s a bit of a hike. —Heck, I was at the city council meeting where Share-It Square got the official approvals and variances and all that other pesky whatnot.
But I never got to see the Moonday T-Hows.
The Next Thursday Teahouse is not by any stretch of the imagination the Moonday T-Hows. (It’s larger, for one thing, and somewhat more permanent; it probably cost about $300 to make, instead of $65.) Nor should my fictional Michael St. John Lake ever no matter how dark the alley be mistaken for the quite substantial Mark Lakeman. —There’s many places where the City of Roses isn’t Portland, and this is one of them, resemblances notwithstanding; Next Thursday comes from a very different place than Moonday, and will do very different things when it goes: they each play very different roles in the city-stories they’re part of. Remember to keep in mind what Mr. Ford said about magic, and always keep an eye on the Duke.
Still. Aren’t they both so pretty, the light streaming out through the reclaimed windows and the branch-framed plastic sheeting like that?
Anyway. A while back—thirteen years ago, oh my—I wrote an article for Anodyne magazine, which is a place to start if you want to see what the Moonday T-Hows did, here in the city of Portland.
Posted 5290 days ago.
As someone fond of Clark’s observation about magic and technology, I thought you’d appreciate a paraphrase I stumbled upon at TV Tropes:
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a completely ad-hoc plot device”
—David Langford, “A Gadget Too Far”, as a corollary to Arthur C. Clarke’s third law