City of Roses

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No. 14: Mayhem

Three up; three down. We’re in the slot, five by five. I’m calling it: no. 14, “Mayhem,” begins its online run on schedule just under one week from today. Pre-orders for paper copies to be announced shortly.

While you’re cooling your heels: Vol. 1, “Wake up…” is slowly wending its way through various and sundry tortuous distribution channels and washing up on shores the likes of iTunes, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Lulu, LibraryThing, and GoodReads. If you’ve secured a copy, or read the chapters in question, and find you have an opinion on their worth, might you consider taking a moment to record that opinion at one or another of these fine venues? —Thanks everso.

(Next: Frail.”)

Posted 5026 days ago.

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