City of Roses


So of course today is the day Feedburner decides to hiccup.

The opening of the first fit is there, all right, but I’m using Feedburner to generate the syndication feeds for rss and atom and LiveJournal, and Feedburner isn’t showing it, and all the pinging in the world (well, several frustrated early-morning pings) hasn’t changed that fact. So what should have been a “look, here we are!” post is instead a “well, let’s try adding a brand-new post and see if that kickstarts them since they aren’t answering the email I sent over ten minutes ago” post.


Anyway: the Feedburner feed is here, and has the advantage of working with anything. When it works. If you’d rather, here’s the direct links to rss 0.92 and atom. The LiveJournal feed is here, though of course that depends on the Feedburner feed, which, see above.

But we are set, otherwise. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until I run out, which is slated for sometime in early October, unless I get a move on no. 5 here. Assuming also I get this Feedburner problem licked. —Further bulletins as events warrant.

Posted 6790 days ago.

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