It’s the fourth Tuesday in October, the 22nd of the month, and —or Betty Martin is out in the world now, reified in paper and cardboard—
—and available for purchase in paper from Bookshop or the river; or available electronically from Smashwords or (alert your local library) Overdrive; or, in either form, from anywhere in the world that has access to Ingram’s catalog, go, hunt! —Or you could as always just buy direct from the publisher.
I need to set up a new photoshoot for all four books, don’t I.
—But! Volume four is the conclusion of the second season, which means in addition to that new book, there’s also the ebook omnibus of season two, comprising all twenty-two novelettes from volumes three and four, if you’d rather scoop them up in one go. Also available ditto (electronically, at least; it’s rather a bit too large to trust to paper).
So, go! Celebrate the epic! We’re halfway done. Miles yet to go, but stop a moment, look about: isn’t the view tremendous?
Posted 143 days ago.