City of Roses

So turn, turn your stallion’s head
Till his red mane flies in the wind,
And the rider of the moon goes by
And the bright star falls behind.

Oh what the hell, right? Let’s haul out the calendar, throw a dart, pick a date:

No. 8: Beauty

Ladies, gentlemen, readers gentle beyond the telling of it: I am more pleased than you could possibly know to announce that no. 8, “Beauty,” will have its online première Monday, November 2nd, and appear Monday – Wednesday – Friday through November 13th. Its paper première will be less certain, as there’s no exposition or symposium to mark the occasion. Rest assured, I’ll let you all know the moment it’s available for order.

This, by the way, is by far the shortest amount of time between chapters. —Might I break the record again with no. 9?

Posted 5633 days ago.

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