City of Roses

“A hundred hundred knights have sought him out with sword and spear and hound and he has laughed at them all and sent more than a few down to dust.”

Gad, but it clunks. —So, the aforementioned deadline, not so much. Ysabel and Jo are still standing by that fence in the rain, mired in a not-argument that isn’t going not-anywhere. (She wants this person whom she’s growing to actually like not to get hurt, and she wants not to be so fucking confused, that’s all well and good, but where’s the spark, says the writer, anticipating the audience. —And do I really want to play the creepy plastic statue card?)

No promises, then, but I will have a half table at the Portland Zine Symposium (Saturday and Sunday, August 11 and 12, the Smith Memorial Ballroom at PSU) and I will have chapbooks for Nos. 1 – 5, and if this dam’ Anvil is done by then, it’ll be there, too. (And over and on to the next…)

—I’ve neglected to mention this in what is possibly the most relevant corner of my sprawling media empire: No. 1, “Prolegomenon,” has been published in the summer issue of Coyote Wild, which now bears the distinct honor of publishing the most urban fantasy stories by Portland-based authors with some little knowledge of the shadowy world of telephone surveys. Go, read, enjoy.

And, finally, for your delectation, my new logomark. A sign of quality! Look for it everywhere!

Posted 6374 days ago.

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