City of Roses
A serialized phantastick on the ten thousand things & the one true only.

Season One : Autumn into Winter

“Wake up…”
When the Phone rings What is Needed a Narrow Office an Unwanted Promotion Waiting, Watching It’s Raining Again What She Says is True In Carcosa Terms “It’s late” The Merits of a Quarrel A Wicked Thing Awakening “An utter disaster” an Unexpected Call None of Her Concern “What were you thinking?”
“July, July!” Ganesa’s Smile Portland, Divided into Four Fifths Brazilian Beer, Thai Noodles Shooting the Moon Light from Fluorescent Ceiling Panels a Dusty Hollow Going Home What is so Dangerous “Chickie chickie?” Scattering the Hounds Unexpected Violence Sanctuary The Music’s Loud as Gentlemen Settle the Second Thrust the Nighttime City, Filled with Light Fareless
One of the Club’s Private Dining Rooms Getting Cute “You don’t have to be any good at it” This is Not a Sales Call Hopeless Paperwork Ysabel Triumphantly the Changing of the Guard Now and Here a Mound of Bicycles

Table of Contents