So that’s another one done and down. On to the next. —My plan to write and release six chapbooks this year means they ought to be appearing every two months or so, but nos. 10 and 11, for reasons which I trust will eventually become apparent, need to be written together. Which means it’ll be four months before the next episode begins. And though I could I suppose stick to the every-two-months rule anyway between no. 10 and no. 11 and buy a little room to breathe, I think or at least I’d like to think after what just happened and what’s coming up that such a plan might not prove too terribly endearing.
So: no. 10, “Surveilling,” is currently (very) tentatively scheduled to begin Monday, May 24th, and run through Friday, June 4th; no. 11, “Rounds,” would begin immediately thereafter on Monday, June 7th, and run through Friday, June 18th. All offers subject to change and void where prohibited by law.
Until then—
Well, until then I’ll be writing like a sonofabitch, or at least a sonofabitch with a day job and a one-year-old, but It’s not just City of Roses I need to worry about, but the City of City of Roses: everything else, you know?
You, reading this, you’re a member of an elite group right now; a group I’d like to try and make a little less elite. (Sorry.) —And it’s your help I’m seeking in this development scheme: while I’m writing the next couple of chapbooks, while you’re waiting for me to damn well write the next couple of chapbooks, you could, if you were so moved, well, talk about City of Roses. (Which sounds so crass. But word of mouth is still where it’s at, and a happy reader is always the best advocate a book can have.)
You could for instance rate and maybe even review it at a site like the Web Fiction Guide, or Muse’s Success, or You could mention it in a forum somewhere, or on Twitter, or in your own blog or journal, which would be swell. It would all be swell. —You could even leave a comment here, or over to the Facebook group, or even just in an email; this writing is a lonely business, after all, and it’s more important that the words get out than that the audience get grown, and a little feedback has always gone a long way.
In return for which—well. I don’t have a specific compensation package of gold stars and green stamps, but in addition to trying to get a chapbook written every two months I’ll be working on some additional additions: trying to get ePub versions of the chapbooks formatted in such a way that I don’t tear my hair out to look at them; trying to get hardware and software issues solved to the point I can put together podcast versions; maybe trying for some T-shirts to go along with the badges… (Would you maybe be interested in one of Guthrie’s T-shirts?)
But for now I think I’ll just get back to the writing, so.
Posted 5514 days ago.