Outside it’s a gloomy July, chilly and rain-soaked, and the “Mirror, Mirror” cast is getting ready to mud-wrestle; inside, it’s carrion-shellacked November, and the Solstice bearing down. —And so the above. A number of things have happened, and continue to be happening; let’s run it down:
Imprimis, the Marathon: So I’ve been participating I suppose is the word in the Clarion West Write-a-thon, which raises money for the Clarion West Writers Workshop; said participation has the last little while mostly consisted of feeling guilty while I move some outline cards around and tell myself there’s still time, still oodles and oodles of time. (There isn’t.) —There’s still a couple of weeks left to support the effort generally, or myself specifically; all proceeds to the workshop, of course.
Item. the Pie: I have just eaten the last slice of the marionberry-cherry pie the Spouse made a few days ago. With a dollop of vanilla gelato.
Item. the Ebook: Now available in native Kindle form direct from Amazon, which is the sort of milestone that can’t help but bring a smile to the face of the neophyte self-publisher, even though of course it’s much better in the long run for all of us if you buy from me direct; to that end I should point out that EPUB, MOBI, and PDF versions are now all available for one low price (all proceeds of which to me, of course).
Item. the Music: It has come to my attention that I have no ELO whatsoever in any of the various music libraries to which I have unfettered access; something shall be done to rectify this state of affairs shortly. —Also, I need my own copy of the Gælic.
Item. the Symposium: Once more I will be tabling at the Portland Zine Symposium; I’ll be the fellow behind all the roses. August 6th and 7th, Saturday and Sunday, at Refuge in inner SE. I’ll have chapbooks for nos. 1 – 14, buttons and photos and maybe some stickers, a taste of no. 15 (still slated to begin on Aug. 22, mind), and well a few copies of the next:
Item. the Paperback: So when I’d done all the necessary work to gather the first 11 chapbooks into a compact ebook form, I stepped back, looked at it, and said to myself, you know, just a wee bit more and…
So, available from (Amazon’s own) CreateSpace, a physical paperback book of volume one, “Wake up…” —Order direct from them, or see me at the PZS. (But see me early! I won’t have that many on me.)
Posted 4925 days ago.