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Table of Contents

No. 1: Prolegomenon
No. 2: Fidessa
No. 3: Zoobombing
No. 4: a-Hunting
No. 5: Freeway
No. 6: Anvil
No. 7: Gin-soaked
No. 8: Beauty
No. 9: Giust
No. 10: Surveilling
No. 11: Rounds
No. 12: Innocency
No. 13: Changel
No. 14: Mayhem
No. 15: Frail
No. 16: Plenty
No. 17: Deliverance
No. 18: Dazzle
No. 19: Moon
No. 20: Sun
No. 21: Gallowglas
No. 22: Maiestie
Becker, by Kris Dresen.
Mr. Charlock and Mr. Keightlinger, by Barry Deutsch.
Charlock, Keightlinger, and Ysabel, by Kevin Moore.
Frankie, by Jenn Manley Lee.
Guthrie, by Jake Richmond.
Jo, by Bill Mudron.
Nor'east, by Jesse Hamm.
Roland and Ysabel, by Vera Brosgol.
Roland, Jo, Ysabel, and Gaveston, by Dylan Meconis. No. 16: Plenty