City of Roses

There’s many a slip ’twixt theory and praxis.

Yes, it’s true. City of Roses is returning. What you’re seeing if you’re seeing anything right now is the assembly process, as I work out the kinks and the design and the organization. I’ll have a table (with the redoubtable Erika Moen) at the Portland Zine Symposium, August 11 – 13, with paper chapbooks of the first four chapters available for purchase (price yet to be determined, but probably three bucks a pop).

Yes, four. The big news, then, is probably that the 4th chapter will be done by the end of the month, and you can get your very own copy on paper at the Symposium, before it makes its appearance online.

After the Symposium, on Monday, August 14th, I’ll start re-running City of Roses here at its brand-new home. “Prolegomenon” will start on the 14th, “Fidessa” on the 28th, and “Zoobombing” on the 11th of September. Which means the 4th chapter, “a-Hunting,” will premiere online on the 25th.

Gives me plenty of time to finish the 5th chapter, “Freeway,” slated to appear on October 9th.

Such is the theory, anyway.

Posted 6815 days ago.

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