City of Roses

Comme un tambourin qui pleure sous les gouttes de la pluie;
Comme les chansons qui meurent aussitôt qu’on les oublie.

No. 11: Rounds

The previous announcement means I can also announce the online première of no. 11, “Rounds”: Monday, September 6th, and appearing Monday – Wednesday – Friday through September 17th. The paper will also make its debut at the aforementioned 10th Annual Portland Zine Sympsium on the last weekend in August, so if you ever really wanted to get a leg up on all the inevitable spoilers, this would be your chance.

While we’re at it, can I direct a little more of your attention to the PZS? They do a great job every year celebrating zines, free speech, and the ever-lovin’ DIY, and could always use a little help. Pony up or belly up, as you’re inclined. (I’m sure they wouldn’t turn you away if you were inclined to both.)

Posted 5350 days ago.

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