You might’ve noticed a new logo hereabouts:
It’s now possible to support City of Roses through Comradery, a collectively owned, democratically run platform for supporting creative endeavors. In its basic, day-to-day operation, it’s not unlike Patreon, and I’ve set up the tiers and rewards at Comradery to be identical to what’s been running at Patreon.
But: unlike Patreon, Comradery isn’t subject to the whims of venture capital or private equity; there’ll be no ill-advised and undesired experiments with NFTs or AI, unless the collective of creators wants them, which, I mean, well. —I’ve got no plans at the moment to discontinue the Patreon, so there’s no need at all if you’re currently supporting the city there (and thank you very much!) to switch over. But, as with any large corporate platform on the internets of the roaring ’20s, it’s not a question of if Patreon will enshittify, but when. I’m glad to have another basket for the eggs.
So poke around Comradery, check out the other projects in the collective (which include some friends of the city), sign up to become a supporter, if you’re so moved. And happy June! We should be seeing the 44th novelette quite soon…
Posted 265 days ago.