- 03/01/2016: Cabbages & Kings: Making Worlds out of Words
- 08/05/2015: Bookworm Blues: Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off Reviews, Round Three
- 06/11/2014: Fangs for the Fantasy: City of Roses Vol. 1, “Wake up…”, by Kip Manley
- 04/02/2014: My Superpower: Kip Manley
- 01/06/2014: Bookslut: Nothing New Under the Sun
- 04/20/2012: ePublish a Book: “Wake up…” by Kip Manley
- 04/13/2012: The Guardian: The Quest for e-Weird Concludes
- 02/23/2012: The Webserialist Interviews: Kip Manley
- 03/04/2012: Sift Book Reviews: City of Roses Vol. 1
- 08/27/2011: Cheapass Fiction: City of Roses by Kip Manley
- 10/30/2009: Oregonian Pop Talk: City of Roses zine, vintage ads, and storytelling